My email workflow in Spark is very similar to what I do in Mailbox. The downside is that (for now) it’s only available for iPhone, which means my happy cross-platform workflow needs adjusting.īut Spark isn’t just exciting for what it can do today, it’s exciting for the potential that’s brimming just beneath the surface.

There’s just no contest-Spark is the best email client for mobile that I’ve ever encountered. Unfortunately for me, this means that Spark is inevitably taking over for Mailbox and Inbox. This magic cocktail would have been satisfying on its own, but Readdle took a step further and built in a deep customization system, a unique card view, and the best email display and composition interface I’ve ever used-on any device. Spark offers the effortless triage options of Mailbox, paired with some of the smarts of Google’s Inbox for Gmail, the natural language prowess of Fantastical, and the inter-app connectivity of CloudMagic.

It’s that deep familiarity with the platform that allowed them to look at the problem of mobile email and develop what is in many ways the best of all possible worlds. They are among the pioneering contributors to the App Store, with a catalogue that spans back to the very first days of the market’s existence (literally). Readdle is no stranger to tackling difficult problems. It’s hard to make “an app for that” when you can’t pin down what exactly that even means. Others use their phones as their primary email device. For some, it’s nothing but a triage point. What is a mobile email client for? This question has different answers depending on who you ask. It was perfect, guys my email system was sleek, effective, and consistent across all my devices. It’s a tongue-in-cheek lament about how a comfortable routine can be disrupted by something “in the nicest way”.

There’s a Jonathan Coulton song that I like called “You Ruined Everything”.